Threats Without Borders - Issue 162
Cybercrime Investigation Newsletter - Week ending December 24, 2023
For some reason, I found it difficult to bloviate about crime and victimization this weekend. :) So you’re just getting some news commentary and junk.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) released it’s final version of the upcoming beneficial ownership rules. In order to counter financial crime and increase transparency, FinCEN's beneficial ownership rule requires certain companies in the US to identify and report information about the individuals who control them - beneficial owners. The businesses must collect and verify details like names, birthdates, addresses, and IDs, maintaining them securely and updating them as needed. BTW, the rule is 247 pages. Goof grief!
Pennsylvania woman set up a GoFundMe fundraiser and then stole the money. Where have we heard this story before?
A six-month transcontinental police operation, known as Operation HAECHI IV, has resulted in nearly 3,500 arrests and the seizure of approximately $300 million worth of assets across 34 countries. The operation targeted seven types of Internet-enabled scams, including voice phishing, romance scams, and investment fraud. Investigators used INTERPOL's Global Rapid Intervention of Payments (I-GRIP) to detect online fraud and freeze associated bank and virtual asset service provider accounts. Chalk up a win for the good guys.
Nigerian national sentenced to three years in prison for his part in a romance scam that cost the victim 1.7 million dollars!
A recent investigation by Check Point Research has uncovered a surge in sophisticated phishing attacks targeting the cryptocurrency community. These attacks involve draining crypto wallets and have targeted various blockchain networks. The investigation identified a phishing group called "Angel Drainer" that continues to operate despite the shutdown of similar groups in the past. Angel Drainer charges hackers a percentage of the stolen amount in exchange for providing wallet-draining scripts and services.
The Federal Trade Commission has a “Robocall Response Team” and they are doing good work! The team issued an order to two companies demanding they cease and desist their illegal phone spam campaign.
Throughout 2023, SANS hosted 16 Summit events that featured 209 different speakers. Here is their Top 15 list.
Cool Tool
Everything you need to create your next sock-puppet account -
Cool Job
Senior Program Liaison (Remote) - Center for Internet Security.
Do you have the right to reality? “AI-generated content might cause the marketplace of ideas to fail. Recognition of the right to reality might safeguard space for democratic deliberation.”
Mail Call
Referring to the Law enforcement group-cry over Google ending geofence warrants:
“You are right about the meltdown. [Omitted] County Judges stopped approving Geofence warrants about 2 years ago and it was the end of the world. We (LE) sometimes (usually) are our own worst enemies. Why put in the work when you can go fishing?” Mike, Pennsylvania.
Referring to the editorial of Issue 161 concerning the criminal use of genealogy services:
“Matt, thanks for the insight on using genealogy websites to commit scams. I literally said “of course” out loud when reading it. It’s so simple but I never though of it. I forwarded it to everyone on my team. Thanks for the effort each week.” C.M., South Carolina (maybe)
No, Santa didn’t bring me a twelve new subscribers drumming. But I did get a walking pad - think of a small portable treadmill - so I can walk while working at my stand-up desk. Now I will be healthy while I write shit on the Internet. Watch out 2024!
Thanks for opening the newsletter this week and I’ll see you next Tuesday.
Published every Tuesday, Threats Without Borders offers original commentary and educational pieces related to cybercrime investigations and information security topics. We also summarize and comment on news articles concerning active threat intelligence for the financial industry. The newsletter is of interest to everyone who is tasked with cybersecurity or is involved in the prevention or investigation of technology-enabled fraud, theft, or money laundering.
Legal: I am not compensated by any entity for writing this newsletter. Obviously, anything written in this space is my own nonsensical opinion and doesn’t represent the official viewpoint of my employer or any associated organization. Blame me, not them.