I have previously written about the rise of “dog fraud” and the increase of fake websites and Internet marketplace ads offering designer dogs that don’t exist. Well, the type of dogs exists, the seller just doesn’t actually possess any to sell. These fraudulent sellers are usually found operating on web marketplaces such Facebook and OfferUp but have also gone to the extreme of creating entire websites. And some of them are well designed and functional, not just a Weebly template with some stock photos.
I suspect the next breed that will be the focus of scammers is the Shiba Inu. The rapid ascent of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency has resulted in images of the dog posted front and center of just about every mainstream press website and periodical. It is a really good-looking dog and with price range of $900 to $2500, it will also look good to the scammers.
In my experience, dog scammers had been focusing on the trendy and highly sought after, French Bulldog. I compared searches for the two breeds on Google.
“Shiba Inu for sale” (blue) versus “French bulldog for sale” (red)
Searches for the Shiba Inu are trending up, not as dramatically as I assumed, but have certainly risen to equal that of searches for French bulldogs.
Send me an email if you take a report of fraudulent Shiba Inu sales or identify any fraudulent resources.
It’s a trap
Identity thieves are now sending e-mails that appear to be from the IRS, claiming individuals can get a third Economic Impact Payment if they click a link to access a form for additional information and to get help with an application. The IRS didn’t send the email, they certainly aren’t ever offering help, and the link is a trap. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2021/10/scammers-are-sending-fake-irs-emails-about-economic-impact-payments?utm_source=govdelivery
So frustrating….
It’s so hard to stay motivated and keep up the good fight when you read these reports. Two Nigerian men have been indicted over a Business Email Compromise scheme involving fraudulent vendor invoices. One victim business sent $434,000 and another $488,000, twice. Seriously, they paid two invoices both for $488K. It’s hard to decide what is more disgusting, the fact these businesses continue to fail at basic security or that these two criminals can make hundreds of thousands of dollars by just sending out emails. Kudos to the LE investigators that tracked them down! https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/atlanta-man-arraigned-federal-charges-connection-international-cyber-fraud-scheme
Please stop
A few issues back I lamented about the need for government pressure to make national and international business comply with domestic court orders. But please stop sending orders to these companies that make it their business model to not keep customer records or logs. Signal has been outspoken about their model and openly mocks law enforcement for sending them court orders - every time. STOP IT. If you are in the position to obtain a search warrant for Signal, and you do, you shouldn’t be in the position. https://signal.org/bigbrother/santaclara/
For academics
This Lawfare article exploring the need for legislation mandating the reporting of ransomware victimization was authored by two academics. And it’s good. Something I can’t always say. The topic is covered well, both sides of the debate are fairly presented, and is technically accurate. https://www.lawfareblog.com/pros-and-cons-mandating-reporting-ransomware-victims
The Rest…
Man ran a tax fraud scheme…from prison…victimizing other inmates. https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2021/11/pa-prison-inmate-who-scammed-the-irs-out-of-32k-gets-federal-jail-time.html
Rochester, NY man sentenced to 84 months in prison for running a 19.8 million dollar Ponzi scheme. No, it wasn’t a crypto-coin. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdny/pr/rochester-man-going-prison-and-ordered-pay-millions-restitution-his-role-ponzi-scheme
Cool Tools
Ask the librarian - https://ask.loc.gov/
Every once in a while you find something that actually makes your life better - this is one - https://www.kopier.xyz/. The instructions for it are lacking, but figure it out and it’s a true time saver.
Cool Jobs
Strategy Manager: Financial Crime and Identity - Chime (remote option - see end of ad)
Get better at keeping your to-do lists. http://blog.idonethis.com/how-to-master-the-art-of-to-do-lists/
Programming note: Next week is Issue 52. One year!
Thanks for reading and see you next Tuesday.
Bonus Homophone:
Bail: Security, usually a sum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person's appearance for trial.
Bale: A large bundle of raw or finished material tightly bound with cord or wire and often wrapped. OR Evil. OR Mental suffering.