Welcome to Issue 79 of the Threats Without Borders Newsletter; a weekly newsletter about Cyber-Financial Crime Investigation and Financial Industry Threat Intelligence.
Yes, we talk about cyber-ish things here, BUT the most important thing you need to know this week is that a group of engineering students created an edible tape that can be used to secure an oversized burrito. This is what young people should be doing instead of wasting time binge-watching Netflix and posting endless selfies to social media - actually solving the true problems of the world. Brilliant.
Is this dry humor?
I don’t know anything about this website and I’m even less sure about the intent of the article, but the subject is certainly legitimate. “Fraud Fighters Fatigue” is real. I have talked at length about my struggle to remain engaged, control my cynicism, and maintain empathy for victims. I have never suggested that we “bake bread” or “take a bubble bath” to relax. Maybe I should? https://www.fraudwit.com/post/fighting-fraud-fighter-s-fatigue-1
It’s a Coup
Not by a rival political party, but a cybercrime gang 6809 miles away (seriously, I mapped it). The Conti Ransomware group has seized control of several networks of the Costa Rican government and is demanding a 20 million dollar payment (USD). They have promised to “overthrow” the seated Costa Rican leadership if the payment is not made. “We are at war and that’s not an exaggeration,” said President Rodrigo Chaves. Yes you are sir. Best of luck to you. https://apnews.com/article/technology-government-and-politics-caribbean-gangs-381efc2320abb5356dee7f356e55e608
Not easy reading but required
This explanation of blockchain based investment schemes by TRM Labs is not light reading. I struggled through it - twice. I suspect this is the future for financial crime investigators so get a cup of coffee and dig in. https://www.trmlabs.com/post/about-smart-contract-based-investment-schemes-tracking-a-new-iteration-in-crypto-investment-schemes
Fraud as a service.
Sharing is caring right? You can only book so many flights for yourself, or order so much food delivery, so if you can obtain those items for steep discounts why not offer the services to others? For a nice profit of course! The author laments fraudsters moving from the deepest parts of the Tor network to the ClearNet: “Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen fraudsters come out of the shadows of the dark web to advertise fraud-as-a-service in publicly available forums on messaging apps, like Telegram,” Allen says. “Now anyone with a smartphone can ask a willing cybercriminal to buy them anything from meals to airline tickets for a fraction of their actual costs.” https://www.sfexaminer.com/findings/a-fraudster-is-standing-by-to-book-you-a-flight-at-50-off/
The Rest…
Wells Fargo has agreed to a 7 Million dollar fine after the SEC charges them with anti-money laundering violations. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-sec-charges-wells-fargo-advisors-with-anti-money-laundering-violations-2022-05-20/
A team of researchers claim to have developed a method to use artificial intelligence to kill the majority of cyber-attacks within one second of launch. One second. https://techxplore.com/news/2022-05-method-cyberattacks.html
The Russians control a botnet that can manipulate social media trends. Shocking absolutely no one. https://gizmodo.com/russian-botnet-spam-social-media-report-nisos-fake-news-1848956529
Former Art Dealer Sentenced To 7 Years For $86 Million Fraud Scheme. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-art-dealer-sentenced-7-years-86-million-fraud-scheme
Cool Tool
Find the source of any image on the web: https://github.com/dessant/search-by-image
Cool Job
Director of Payments and Fraud - Jack Entertainment Sportsbook (It looks like you’ll have to move to Cleveland, sorry.) https://recruiting.ultipro.com/GRE1028GTC/JobBoard/0cd3dfa3-f51e-49fc-a786-ad89fc7c8ed1/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=2d2f5172-6d0a-45d9-a95a-28d9f9cb0539
I like loud cars that go fast, particularly spirited little VW’s. Some people in New York do not. https://www.thecity.nyc/2022/2/24/22949795/new-york-rolling-out-noise-law-listening-tech-for-souped-up-speedsters
Thank you for opening this weeks newsletter. I’m humbled each week that people invest a few minutes of their time into something I produced.